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Wicked Cute Bel Ami Online

Wicked Cute Bel Ami Online

After last week's slightly retro look at Luke Hammil, we move on to one of our more recent stars, John Leto who makes his first appearance as our model of the week. As they say, there is no rest for the wicked (or the wickedly cute in this case) as John jumps straight in front of the camera after a long, 6-hour train ride from central Slovakia down to meet Eliot in Budapest. Despite this, he is still full of his usual smiles and charm throughout the session. John is having quite a busy year both here and over on our brother site Freshmen and he will also be back from another appearance model of the week in a few month's time when he teams up with Freddy McQueen in a special session from Cape Town. Featuring John Leto.
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