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Brutal Doctor Raging Stallion

Brutal Doctor Raging Stallion

Maniacal Doctor Chris Damned has Devin Franco chained up, and he's attached a number of clothespins to Devin's torso. With the clothespins pinching his body, Devin is writhing in pleasure in pain as Chris pulls strings attached to the clothespins, ripping them from Devin's by one. Devin's rock hard from the sensations, and Chris grabs onto his dick. When he's ready to release Devin, Chris unchains him, gives his ass a quick lick for some lube, and shoves his cock deep up Devin's ass. All Devin can do is bear down and take the rough, pounding Chris' cock is delivering. Switching positions, Chris lays down on the floor to let Devin bounce on his long dick. Eager to please, Devin takes the brutal pounding from the doctor until he's instructed to hop off and blow his load all over the doctor's cock. After Devin licks his own load off Chris' dick, the Doctor strokes one out. Featuring Devin Franco, Chris Damned. From the film: Maniacal. Original release date: March 1st, 2023.
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