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Where are you Men Over 30

Where are you Men Over 30

Alejandro has been blowing off his boyfriend Alex's phone all day long text after text after text. Alex can't stand the constant pestering so he's been ignoring every text. They've been together for some time now yet Alejandro's insecurities are getting in the way of their relationship. Alex is at the office hard at work making ends meet staying late and the last thing he wants is constant texting. Alejandro has been pacing back and forth at their apartment and he doesn't understand why he can't just get one simple text back. All day with not one response and now it's late and he is getting into bed. One last text before he goes to sleep and still nothing from Alex. As time passes Alejandro is deep in sleep when Alex finally comes home to unwind. Tired as all hell he sees his man snuggled up in the blankets and is kind enough to quietly wake him up. Alejandro starts to bitch about how he never received any texts back but Alex shuts him down quick and soon the lovers are back where they love to be which is face to face kissing and exploring each other's bodies. Even though it's late Alex takes his time and enjoys every minute of Alejandro sucking his cock. The passion runs high with these two sexy men as they roll around in bed rimming, sucking and fucking their way to great orgasms. Featuring Alejandro Fusco, Alex Torres.
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