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Prime Time Naked Sword

Prime Time Naked Sword

It's after hours in this greasy auto shop, and that means it's prime time to fist some smooth twink hole. Dean Young is the first to get stretched out as Trevor Brooks works both of his lubed fingers and palms into Dean's pristine asshole while a jockstrap-clad Mat Wolff waits his turn to get his fuck slit demolished by another man's hand. Once he's inserted a girthy plug into Mat, Dean moves to busting up Trevor Brooks' untouched cheeks with a monstrously oversized dildo. Dean takes euphoric pleasure in simultaneously fucking each of his co-workers with the hole-wrecking toys until he's ready to team up with Trevor to deliver a double facial onto Mat's face. From the film: Fist First. Original release date: October 12th, 2023.
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