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Dean Monroe and Seth Roberts Extended World of Men

Dean Monroe and Seth Roberts Extended World of Men

Caught with his fingers in the till, handsome, toned Seth is invited to appease his captor, dark haired Dean, by giving in to what he really wants. Scared to lose his job, Seth quickly realises what's going on and strips naked, drops to his knees and gets brutally face fucked by this hung stud. Both smooth bodies, defined torsos are fucking hot rubbing against each other, proud dick standing to full attention, and Seth's hungry ass is wet with the anticipation of Dean's entire dick being slammed deep. If you aren't already rock hard by now, Dean's perfectly smooth body flexing and tightening as he thrusts into the yelping Seth will get you there, and when the close-ups begin of the fucking, hold on tight and don't cum yet, Seth's gonna get his own back and get Dean taking his dick until they both bust a nut and Seth explodes all over Deans stubbled face, leaving him covered in fresh spunk! Video Title: Dean Monroe and Seth Roberts
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