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Dolan Wolf and Tiko Extended Alpha Male Fuckers

Dolan Wolf and Tiko Extended Alpha Male Fuckers

Tiko knows Trojan well... he has worked for him before! So who else would he call to arrange for a foot massage? Trojan books Dolan for the job. A perfect choice as the man is partial to feet. And is a perfect match for the Latino, hot blooded stud! Tiko arrives and is taken care of by Dolan, he frees his feet and gets to work. Tiko knows very well where this is gonna go (after all that's WHY he called Trojan). Dolan works his feet with pleasure, with fingers and tongue. Tiko soon gets excited and his hand slips down inside his trousers. It doesn't go unnoticed by Dolan who soon replaces Tiko's hand with his own mouth. He sucks Tiko laying on the sofa and then on his knees. Tiko swaps positions and tastes Dolan's cock but soon starts playing with his ass and gives it a very good fingering. Dolan turns around and bends over to better offer the warm hole to his customer. Tiko Laps it up and fingers it more until he pushes himself (or at least his hard cock) deep inside Dolan in one seamless, uninterrupted stroke. He fucks him hard on all 4s and then turns him on the coffee table, on his back. His head resting on a bible (too controversial?) fucks him more enjoying seeing the pleasure on Dolan's face. He fucks him fast and then it's a quick take cock out pull condom off shoot far on Dolan's chest while Dolan simultaneously shoots on his own hairy belly. Perfect timing. Video Title: Dolan Wolf and Tiko
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