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Jessie Colter and Troy Webb Extended World of Men

Jessie Colter and Troy Webb Extended World of Men

Jessie Colter lounges in his posh hotel suite lamenting his empty dance card for the afternoon...he's horny and he's craving a hard dick to suck. He decides to throw caution to the wind and invite any horny stranger to come in and try their best to satisfy his insatiable lust. Luckily, Troy Webb catches his scent in the Miami breeze and invites himself in. Jessie is just the kind of pretty beach-bum lad that burly Troy fantasizes about fucking. Now he's got a real-life pornstar sucking on his cock and the he-man can't wait to tap that ass. Troy fucks Jessie deep and hard, and Jessie moans with pleasure and gratitude, until Troy unloads a huge gusher of cum all over the tanned horny bottom. Video Title: Jessie Colter and Troy Webb
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