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Darian at Next Door Ebony

Darian at Next Door Ebony

A luxurious man of style with potent essence, Darian is the man who will captivate your reality. Join Darian as he awakens from a nap. When he receives a call from his sexual partner, he decides to touch himself a bit. His post-nap boner is throbbing too loudly to ignore. He's only on the phone for a moment, but the sound of his lover's voice is enough to provoke a full-on tug session. Warming up, he flips onto his belly and grinds the mattress. Watch his plump ass rise and fall as his hard dick rubs under his chiseled abs. From there, it's a sensuous ritual of jerking pleasure. Darian wants you to see him indulge. He's the type of guy that will take care of you...but only if you take care of yourself, alongside him, first. Don't let this moment pass without embracing the majesty that is Darian. Featuring Darian A.
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