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Daxel and Ulises Falcon Preview World of Men

Daxel and Ulises Falcon Preview World of Men

The unusually-named Daxel and Ulises are already going at it, turning yet another living room into a loving room. They're kissing and caressing each other's bodies. Ulises seems to be the aggressor, the man on the make. Daxel's pants come off and his dick pops out of his shorts. His underwear comes off so that Ulises can suck on his friend. He's got a mouthful and looks like he might take a bite out of it. Ulises's dick is hard but hiding just out of view. Daxel sucks on Ulises and then puts him over the sofa arm to eat his ass and fuck him. Both jack off, and Daxel cums over Ulises. Soon enough, Ulises spurts himself. Video Title: Daxel and Ulises Falcon
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