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Ben Brown and Jean Franko Preview Alpha Male Fuckers

Ben Brown and Jean Franko Preview Alpha Male Fuckers

Hispanic supers-stud, Jean Franko, gets fresh with British beef boy, Ben Brown during a game of darts while there's nothing to do in the Tool Men office. Loving his sweaty pits, and hairy bullet nipples, Ben gets to work big time on ravishing his work-mate's muscled body all over. Plenty of hot cock sucking gets underway with fat shafts of meat being guzzled by hungry mouths. Jean Franko can't get enough of Ben Bown's furry, manly ass! On his back, legs spread wide, Jean Franko dives to devour the tight willing hole before him. Gagging for a meat pounding, Ben Brown offers his butt skyward and gets a hard, fast pounding; loosening up his back entrance, ready to take a bucket load of Jean Franko's spunky man juice all over his ring piece. Video Title: Ben Brown and Jean Franko
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