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Behind The Scenes March 2012 Preview Alpha Male Fuckers

Behind The Scenes March 2012 Preview Alpha Male Fuckers

Trojan is renowned to be the one fast asleep at his desk while his men are hard at work but this time he's taken it a step further. He's wide-awake and lets his fantasy run wild playing matchmaker with his workforce. Everything inevitably takes place in Trojan's own bed where quite a few notches are added to an already long string of hot man-to-man action. The bed has to withstand Lucio Saints nailing super bottom Dolan Wolf first and then again new face Ross Hunter. Not all things go smooth while on set and we receive an unexpected visit from Super Porn Star Carlo Cox and Bruno. The same bed sees super hunk Harley Everett giving up his smooth ass to young stud Tate Ryder. A match made in heaven, those two couldn't keep their hands off each other on or off camera! Dolan Wolf performs for us a very personal wank involving a boot, his cock and his tongue. When Alphamale's favourite hairy stud Bruno Knight arrives to play his role in front of Boss Trojan the testosterone reaches new levels and gets well and truly fucked by Tiko Video Title: Behind The Scenes: March 2012
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