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Brice Farmer and Sam Barclay Preview World of Men

Brice Farmer and Sam Barclay Preview World of Men

Stunning French fucker Brice Farmer teases us all whilst relaxing in a Jacuzzi, his smooth, buff body glistening in the water, proudly showing off his famously thick dick, eager to get some action. Along comes Sam, the Brit stud with the luck to get his dick worshipped by our Gallic God, sucking, licking and caressing Sam's body with those plump lips you just want to nibble on, it's a surprise the water isn't boiling from the heat these two studs are giving off. As Brice lowers himself onto Sam's waiting shaft, both of them work it deeper, in and out with such smooth motion you'll be crying out to get in on the action so badly, that when Brice flips over and rams his meat straight into Sam, it'll be more than you can take... get the tissues ready! Video Title: Brice Farmer and Sam Barclay
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