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Mustang Next Door Ebony

Mustang Next Door Ebony

In the morning, after a night of riding around all over the town, Mustang is slow to rouse. But when he does, just as the sun came up, his cock is nice and stiff. He touches it a bit, feeling its sturdy girth. Mustang can't wait to bust that first nut of the day, but before he does, his personal tradition calls for a shower first. Mustang likes to get in a positive mood for the day by singing as he scrubs his body. Suds wash all over his beautiful skin as he hums and sings songs he heard on the radio last night. Boy what a night it was! He zipped around with the top down on his lightning-quick convertible, chasing after pretty girls that batted their eyes toward him during traffic stops. When he returns to his bed to get down to the business of pleasure, he thinks about the hot boys and girls who were in the club last night. The moving bodies makes his sexual juices stir. He can hardly thing about the rest of the day without releasing in passionate eruption. His swollen muscles work to tug his big, thick cock. Join him for this sacred daily practice. Featuring Mustang.
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