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Max Dunhill and Jessie Colter Preview World of Men

Max Dunhill and Jessie Colter Preview World of Men

Basking under the heat of the South Florida sun, Max Dunhill is horny and awaiting Jessie Colter. Neither had met before but that didn't stop them from getting up close and personal. As soon as Jessie walked in -- turns out our rogue cameraman promised Max a sexy young jock to play with -- he starts feeling up Max's muscular body. Jessie soon strips down and Max finds himself face to cock with Jessie's juicy piece. The older Daddy type goes to town sucking that thick cock deep down his throat before up his own HUGE cock. Jessie goes down on Max like a true champ, servicing the man that's about to take his hole and stretch it out; but not before rimming! After plowing Jessie hard and rough, both men whip out big loads of cum that splatter all over them, leaving them tremendously satisfied. Video Title: Max Dunhill and Jessie Colter
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