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Grabbing the Bull by the Balls Ext World of Men

Grabbing the Bull by the Balls Ext World of Men

You can take the pornstar away from the big city lights, but you'll never get him away from the camera. Brit porn star Neil Stevens has been seeking a respite from his demanding porn schedule during a country vacation, trying to adjust his focus with simple pleasures like tending to the livestock, repairing the ancient farmhouse and generally drinking in the bucolic lifestyle. But life is funny, and the thing you try to avoid has a way of popping up in front of you. In this case, newly chaste Neil has to contend with sweet, delicious and innocent Alex Cumming, who keeps coming by the farm to lend a hand with chores. Neil can't resist the subtle, but persistent flirtations, and finally he reaches his weak moment, and he partakes of Alex's sweet and tender flesh. Fucking his mouth with his enormous cock, and then driving his member deep into the twink's gaping hole, every muscle in Neil's gorgeous, taut frame strains until his explodes and shoot his hot sticky seed all over the radiant young twink. Title: Neil Stevens and Alex Cumming
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