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Alex Iron Solo 2 World of Men

Alex Iron Solo 2 World of Men

I spotted Alex Iron watching Stelio fuck Gio and from the movements of his arm I could tell he had a lot of meat in his hands. After leaving the boys, I walked up in search of him and found him relaxing, sunning himself and the massive sleeping cock he owns. He definitely loves to show it and started stroking it for me. The already sizeable cock grew to a wrist-thick 9.5 inch monster. He pulls and strokes his meat until he explodes and shoots a massive load of thick, fresh cum all over himself. Title: I spotted Alex Iron watching Stelio fuck Gio and from the movements of his arm I could tell he had a lot of meat in his hands. After leaving the boys, I walked up in search of him and found him relaxing, sunning himself and the massive sleeping cock he owns. He definitely loves to show it and started stroking it for me. The already sizeable cock grew to a wrist-thick 9.5 inch monster. He pulls and strokes his meat until he explodes and shoots a massive load of thick, fresh cum all over himself.
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