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Roommate Wanted Naked Sword

Roommate Wanted Naked Sword

Rent in San Francisco is skyrocketing, and the boys of San Francisco are desperate -- for housing AND for fun! In Roommate Wanted, the latest true-to-life hit from NakedSword Originals, Rey Luis, Cam Christou, Liam Harkmoore, Dylan Knight and Joseph Rough each look for a place to lay their head -- and boy, do they find it. (Both lays and head, that is.) From a not-so-open house hosted by big-dicked Boomer Banks and an open position with Colby Keller to an only-in-San-Francisco crash pad with Luke Harding and Leo Forte. Watch as these boys use their wiles to disrupt the market -- and find their way into some very desirable arrangements! Featuring Boomer Banks, Cam Christou, Colby Keller, Dylan Knight, Joseph Rough, Leo Forte, Liam Harkmore, Luke Harding, Rey Luis.
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