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Incubus Part 1 at Titan Men

Incubus Part 1 at Titan Men

Fantasy and reality converge in the visual feast Incubus, the stunning Creative Director debut of Francois Sagat. Joined in front of the camera by fellow Titan Men exclusives Jessy Ares, Aymeric DeVille, Trenton Ducati and Hunter Marx, Sagat presents an artistic, hypnotic journey bursting with color, unforgettable imagery and pulsing cocks. Is it a dream or a night-terror? Take in the sensory overload of sight, sound and sex -- and decide for yourself. Waking up dazed and dirty on a desolate hillside, a confused Francois Sagat stumbles upon a home -- and inserts himself into an intense encounter with Spencer Reed and Shay Michaels. Jolted awake by a nightmare, Francois Sagat spots two studs sucking by his pool. Bathed in moonlight, Jimmy Durano fucks Trenton Ducati as the voyeur's muscles reflect in the moonlit water. Bound by rope, Francois wakes up in the body of Aymeric DeVille. He is freed by handsome Hunter Marx, who takes turns fucking the captive with Jessy Ares after some amazing cock worship. Featuring Jessy Ares, Shay Michaels, Spencer Reed, Aymeric DeVille, Francois Sagat, Jimmy Durano, Trenton Ducati, Hunter Marx.
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