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Parker and Marco Breed Me Raw

Parker and Marco Breed Me Raw

One of Parker Logan's friends showed him a clip. It was of Marco Napoli talking smack, specifically, calling Parker a pussy. We didn't get to see the clip before filming since Marco pulled it, but we wish we had. It would have explained the bearded, tattooed, hung fucker's attitude when he placed a gimp mask on Marco, then sat, thinking of ways to make a point... with his cock! Parker eventually removed the mask and put Marco through his paces. He presented his cock for Marco to suck, then rimmed his hairy, hungry ass, lubing the hole with spit and priming it for a fuck. But spit is the only lube Marco got. Except for maybe sweat. Parker fucked the smack-talking cock whore, slowly sliding in and out to make sure Marco felt every... goddamn... inch. Parker pounded the cum out of Marco before spraying the hairy ass with a good load, seeding Marco's hole. Who's the pussy now? Original title: Parker Logan and Marco Napoli. Original release date: June 7th, 2023.
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