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Try Before You Buy Southern Strokes

Try Before You Buy Southern Strokes

Tall and tattooed Ari Nucci is in the market for a new car and Brian Bonds has just the ticket...a bright, banana yellow convertible. Sadly, Brian has to get rid of it but one man's loss is another man's gain! Brian leaves Ari alone to check out the car and try it on for size, as it were. And from the moment Ari sits in the black leather, bucket seat, he has a boner for the sports vehicle. Wasting little time, and hornier than usual, Ari whips out his big cock and starts stroking, jerking off almost everywhere, like an animal rubbing his scent on his property. Pushed to the edge, especially with the knowledge that Brian could walk back at any moment, the scruffy hung stud sprays an enormous load of jizz ALL over the windshield. Just in time for Brian to witness the spray! Somewhat embarrassed, Ari leaves, leaving behind a bewildered and hunky Brian to clean up...with his tongue! Featuring Ari Nucci. Original release date: October 17th, 2018.
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