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Other Ideas Southern Strokes

Other Ideas Southern Strokes

Boot camp trainer Justin Cross sits and waits for his new trainee. Except when Billy Saint appears, he's hardly what Justin had expected. After running the slender twink through basic maneuvers, Justin comes straight out and asks why the boy reached out in the first place. Billy, somewhat sheepishly, replies with "I saw your picture online and I thought you were cute." Awww! How can anyone say no to that? Justin sure can't and the thought of having Billy's pretty lips wrapped around his cock gives Justin other ideas. Next thing you know they're both naked and Billy is doing just what he'd hoped for. Sucking big, juicy, curved cock! Justin returns the favor then spreads Billy's legs apart to stretch that hole open. Bareback fucking his boot camp trainee, Justin pounds away, making Billy moan like a sweet, yet almost innocent whore. Justin blows an enormous load all over Billy's balls, taint and hole, then seeds him with the last of his jizz, which causes Billy to fire off a load of his own. Featuring Justin Cross, Billy Saint. Original release date: October 31st, 2018.
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