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Ass Massage Southern Strokes

Ass Massage Southern Strokes

Muscle hunk Luke Ward awaits for Will Kade to come and massage his aching muscles. But when the masseuse appears, it presents a bit of challenge. Will is much smaller than his client. But where there's a will, there's a way! Will mounts Luke and gets to work. He applies the lotion, getting his hands slippery with oil. Except the only thing that Will can think of is sucking Luke's uncut cock. Will manipulates Luke's muscular build, stroking and touching and getting the bigger, beefy man excited. And when Luke flips over, Will is ready. He's soon stroking Luke, then taking him into his mouth for some deep-throat sucking. After stripping completely naked, hunk and twink fuck until Luke blows his load all over the cum-hungry twink. Funny, isn't it? The masseuse, there to massage Luke, gets his ass massaged instead. Featuring Luke Ward (aka Ondra Matej), Will Kade. Original release date: January 7th, 2020.
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