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Florian and Martin Southern Strokes

Florian and Martin Southern Strokes

What if your sexy buddy served you his sausage in bed? Florian and Martin had a great night out, and got in kinda late. Too late for Florian to go home, so he crashed at Martin's. The next morning, Florian brings Martin breakfast in bed as a way of saying thanks. But Martin thinks Florian should try another type of breakfast food...his ass. And after some oral preparation, that is exactly what is on the menu. Florian fucks him for a while then pulls out to give Martins cock a quick taste before he goes back in for a second helping. And then a third. Driving in fast and deep before they both cum on Martin's tummy. Featuring Florian Mraz (aka Hugo Antonin), Martin Polnak. Original release date: August 7th, 2020.
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