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Twelve Twinks Southern Strokes

Twelve Twinks Southern Strokes

When you are young and full of cum, all you want to do is fuck every boy that you see. Lucky for you, we were there to capture Sammy Trakuza (aka Zist Stevens), Roman Capellini, Austin Cook (aka Austin Kok), Alex Faux, Jack Flynn, Taylor Mason, Jack Finix (aka Thomas South), Lucian Fair (aka Luce Fair), Curtis Cameron (aka Jamie Jackson), Rick Palmer, Beno Eker, and Issac Esteban (aka Isaac Esteban) doing what they do best. Be it for fun, a challenge, or paying off a bet, these young, sexy boys use their mouths, dicks, and holes to speak for them. Six scenes from the Southern Strokes collection are playing all at the same time for your eyes and drooling mouth to take in while you relive your childhood memories as you stroke your cock. Then one by one, 12 loads from these boyish twinks will make your cock explode like never before. But don't take our word for it. Grab your favorite lube and see for yourself. Original release date: February 5th, 2021.
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