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Fucking My Best Friend Southern Strokes

Fucking My Best Friend Southern Strokes

After a long weekend of running around playing soccer, Jean and I decided to stay in to start the week. We weoke up late and didn't leave the bed. Jean looked so good in his pajamas, but looked much better out of them. I took them off and started sucking his cock, knowing that it was just the beginning of getting inside his sweet bottom hole. Jean licked and sucked my dick until I was hard and thick. That's when I flipped him on his side and got a good taste of his hairy hole. A few minutes was all I needed. He jumped on top of me, slid down my pole, and started bouncing up and down. I pounded his ass all over the bed until we both nutted. Damn, I love lazy days. Featuring Ollie Barn, Jean Gilliam (aka Max Burda). Original release date: December 16th, 2022.
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