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Big Dick Forever Southern Strokes

Big Dick Forever Southern Strokes

Vincent was new to playing with guys but was down to explore with me. After being on the same football team for years in school, he trusted me not to tell anyone. As we sat on his couch, he pulled me over and placed my hand on his hard cock. I was very impressed. After a few kisses, I took that pipe out of his tights and into my mouth. Then it was his turn to give my cock a taste. I didn't know what to expect, but he knew what he was doing. I bent over and let him see my ass. He pushed the tip of his meat in and gave my body a good tease. I don't really like when a dick goes too deep, but working my pucker drives me crazy. He did just that until my hole opened up a little more. The sensation was intense. I stroked my cock as he fucked my hole until I shot. He came right after me. Featuring Vincent Castle, Liam Rose. Original release date: February 24th, 2023.
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