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Home Game Southern Strokes

Home Game Southern Strokes

It had been a long practice, and neither of us could wait to get home and fuck before Jamie's parents got home. We'd been flirting all season, but now with his house being empty, we knew it was now or never. As soon as we got to his place, Jamie was all over me, and I liked it. He's more experienced than me, so he took the lead. It didn't take long before I had a warm, wet mouth on my cock. His lips felt good, and in no time, I was hard. Then it was time for me to get my mouth to work on his dick before sliding inside his hole. Jamie's ass felt so good that I came after the first position but stayed hard and kept going. His ass was what I had been craving for a while, and my two loads were the icing on the cake. Featuring Alan Caine (aka Milan Neros), Jamie Kelvin. Original release date: April 21st, 2023.
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