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Joy Ride at Southern Strokes

Joy Ride at Southern Strokes

I needed a piece of Ollie's ass and it was now or never. The summer was coming to an end and we would be both moving away very soon for school. So after a bike ride, I invited Ollie back to my place. He must have been thinking the same thing because as soon as we got on my bed, our lips were locking and my dick started to twitch. I could not help but enjoy every pass his tongue made across my chest before moving to my dick. His mouth was amazing and made my cock feel so good. He then laid back so that I could show his what I learned fucking with a few other classmates this year. I started at his beautiful cock and then filled his tight ass with my dick. His hole swallowed my meat and I knew it was going to be a good fuck. And it was. Featuring Bert Kuna, Ollie Barn. Original release date: August 18th, 2023.
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