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Twinks Try Boxing Southern Strokes

Twinks Try Boxing Southern Strokes

There is no way you can talk about erotic sports and not mention the sport of boxing. There is something so animalistic about two men squaring off against each other and going toe to toe before grabbing each other close and dancing around until someone goes down on the floor and gets fucked, in a sense. Not very different than our sexy boys, but with more dicks in beautiful, tight asses. Roman Capellini, Taylor Mason, Luke Geer (aka Rico Gabbani), and plenty of their friends are ready to show you who has what it takes to go the distance until loads begin to fly. From facing off to face down and their asses up, these young boxers in training bring the heat. There is no need to place your bets because with these sexy twinks everyone wins. Original release date: September 29th, 2023.
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