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Fucking Horny at Southern Strokes

Fucking Horny at Southern Strokes

When your sexy twink teammate tells you that their horny, you give up your holes for them to fuck. Just ask Bert Kuna and Gregor Gilead. Bert wasn't shy to tell his teammate Gregor that practice made him horny. He's been thinking of the right way to approach the only person he could fuck in the ass and it not get back to the team. Gregor welcomed the information and did what any friend would do as he pulled down Berts shorts and began sucking his dick. Bert wasn't afraid of a dick in his mouth either and gave Gregor some head before sliding in his tight twink hole, and taking it for a joy ride. Gregor loved having a cock inside him and shot his load, followed by Bert with his own creamy mess. Featuring Bert Kuna, Gregor Gilead (aka Igor Uganec). Original release date: October 27th, 2023.
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