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Make You Smile Southern Strokes

Make You Smile Southern Strokes

It's nothing for Juan Vasquez to help out his hot twink friend Melo Prince who needs a new dick pic. Especially when he has the best fuck hole ever. Juan is just hanging out, literally, when Melo walks in and catches him taking new dick pics. He needs a few of his own, and Juan is happy to help out, but all that dick has Juan horny, and he's ready to do something about it. Within seconds Juan has Melo's cock in his mouth, then takes his turn as the one being serviced before taking a lick from Melo's hole and slowly sliding his big curved cock inside his tight ass. Melo needs a minute for his body to swallow it up, but then it's ready to be fucked. And fucked it is. Featuring Juan Vasquez, Melo Prince. Original release date: December 8th, 2023.
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