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Nice Muscle Southern Strokes

Nice Muscle Southern Strokes

There's no point denying yourself the pleasures of life when they land on your couch with a hard dick, and you're horny. It's a good thing Philip Kiss and Alpan Stone think like we do. Philip was the first one down on the couch after a long weekend of wrestling, followed by Alpan, equally as exhausted, but both of their hard cocks told another story. Philip was feeling brave and started touching his buddy's leg. Alpan didn't mind until he got to his crotch, but Philip was determined and, without any debate, feasted on Alpan's big cock, a delicious treat. Soon, it was time for Alpan to get what he had been lusting as he swallowed and licked Philip's dick until it was time to get it inside his ass. Perfect fit. Featuring Philip Kiss, Alpan Stone. Original release date: February 16th, 2024.
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