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Josh and Liam Southern Strokes

Josh and Liam Southern Strokes

It's all fun and games when you're wrestling on the couch until you're bent over the couch getting fucked. Liam Rose and Josh Cavalin prove that and then some. Liam and Josh came home from wrestling practice but didn't get enough one-on-one time. The living room was the best place to finish what they started. Josh loves being on the bottom of the dog pile and gives in quickly as they begin kissing. Kissing evolves when Josh sits back and gives full access to his buddy, who knows exactly what to do with it. His dick-sucking skills are top-notch, but Liam loves giving back what he receives and finds himself face down in Josh's crotch. That is just the beginning, as Liam gives his ass up to his friend. A perfect fit. Featuring Liam Rose, Josh Cavalin (aka Istvan Bernas).
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