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Fer and Beast Breed Me Raw

Fer and Beast Breed Me Raw

It's not every day you walk in on two hot guys ready to fuck one another's brains out. Well, It happens more and more as we hit the road. Then we found Beast Boy and Fer. They were ready to go before the cameras started rolling. Fer knew his position and was on Beast's cock as soon as he pulled it out. But Beast isn't selfish and shared the love as he feasted on Fer's ass for a little bit. But there was no denying what they both wanted and needed. After more kissing, sucking and face fucking, it was time to get that big cock in Fer's hole. And with a little spit, Beast had his beast deep inside Fer's ready hole, and he wasn't going to stop until he was done using it. Once he was, it was time to shoot his load right on Fer's cheeks. Featuring Beast Boy, Fer Froma.
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