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Swole Hole Trailer Trash Boys

Swole Hole Trailer Trash Boys

Them dirty boys down at Lot 45 have been fuckin' up a storm again. Last time at the trailer park, Buck Richards got fucked twice in a row by Tattoo Ryan and his daddy Uncle Drew. Now he's got himself a Swole Hole. No matter, Cousin Devin is there to help him out. Asher and Jack are making some Moonshine Melon Balls for the community picnic and Alpha and Tryp are trying to do some honest work fixing the power at the Fancy Hotel. Tattoo Ryan has already found a new fuck buddy in Cousin Cade and of course Greg finds a way to sneak his buddy Ethan into the back yard where he was doing some pool cleaning... We gotta find that dick where we can get it. That's how we roll at Lot 45. Featuring Buck Richards, Devin Franco, Asher Day, Jack Waters, Tryp Bates, Alpha Wolfe, Greg Riley, Ethan Sinns, Cade Cooper, Ryan Sebastian. From the film: Swole Hole.
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