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Natural Show Off Jawked

Natural Show Off Jawked

Sexy young Venezuelan lad Azard Vega is a natural show off, which makes him a perfect new arrival for Jawked fans to enjoy. The smooth young man is on the couch and can't seem to wait a moment before he's playing with himself. His shirt is off in seconds, displaying his smooth and tightly athletic body. His hand instantly reaches down into his pants where his long uncut cock is waiting to be tugged and rubbed. In seconds his jeans are off and his briefs are slipping down too, his swelling penis freed to be properly played with. This is a boy who loves to play with his dick and he's more than eager to share it with us all. His lovely tanned dick isn't the only thing this boy is happy to share. Flipping over onto his knees his hairless hole is revealed, his smooth cheeks exposing his pucker, his fingers roaming over the tender opening as if to ask you to come inside. With a gentle sheen of sweat forming over his torso and brow the boy focuses on his cock, rubbing up and down on his thick penis until his climax fully takes hold and his cum dribbles out of his hooded tip in a final release that has the handsome young man grinning with satisfaction. Original Title: Azard Vega. Original release date: July 24th, 2023.
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