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Scout Master Staxus

Scout Master Staxus

I'll be honest: all this sneaking around with Scout Trent has been way more stressful than I expected. Totally worth it, of course, and hot as all hell, but stressful beyond words. I'd be lying if I said the "forbidden fruit" aspect wasn't a turn on. Sneaking off to fuck him in forests and stunning mountain vistas is the stuff of dreams, and he always puts on a good show for me. It's gotten pretty intense since we've been out in Spain. We've been hooking up at least twice a day and, to be honest, we're getting a bit careless. Yesterday, we started making out on a mountain ridge less than 400 yards from camp. The dusty, late afternoon sun was streaming through the trees, and everything looked like a photograph from the 70s. It felt so romantic and sexy, and I had to have him there and then. Original title: International Scout Boys Chapter 5: Spying on ScoutMaster. Featuring Adam Snow, LeGrand Wolf, Serg Shepard, Trent Benz. From the film: International Scout Boys. Original release date: July 20th, 2023.
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