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Czech Hunter 752

Czech Hunter 752

The plan was to go filming trains and looking for cuties to fuck. It didn't start well. I missed the train I wanted to film the most and found the station completely empty. Thank God this guy showed up after a few minutes. Waiting for a train was a great excuse to have a chat. The dude was a poor student on his way home. We both missed our train so I proposed sharing a taxi but that was too expensive for my new friend. That was perfect. We had plenty of time to play a few naughty games. He promised me a big cock and wasn't lying. We hid inside of the station building and had a nice ride right there. When people started showing up, we moved to the nearest forest to finish the whole thing. I fucked him hard and then exploded all over his cute face. This was definitely my lucky day. Featuring David Keller (aka Roman Schneider), Denny Cock. Original release date: July 12th, 2024.
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