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Barron and Finn Corbin Fisher

Barron and Finn Corbin Fisher

Barron and Finn had gotten into some wonderfully hot action before, and each had clearly wanted another go at one another since then. I can't really blame either of them for that, given how compatible they are with one another -- Finn absolutely loves to get railed, and Barron loves to rail. Barron has a tendency to get guys hooked on his cock after he's had a go at them, and more than one CF stud has confessed to their favorite scene being one in which they were on the receiving end of a pounding from Barron. Finn's hole can win you over just as much as Barron's dick, though, and it's clearly worked its magic on Barron given how much Barron wanted to get inside it again. A taste for all-out, balls-to-the-wall, furious fucking isn't all that makes these two compatible, though. They clearly find one another incredibly attractive and it's hot as heck seeing two guys who are so hot and so horny -- and so into one another -- do what CF's young American college studs do best! Full title: Barron and Finn After Hours. Featuring Barron, Finn (aka Finn August).
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