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Grayson gets Bred Corbin Fisher

Grayson gets Bred Corbin Fisher

Grayson landed at CF ready to get into some action, and we were ready to toss him into some! We didn't want to waste any time seeing this hot-bodied, hung young stud fucking and getting fucked, and he's not disappointed in any of the scorching hot action we've been treated to seeing him in so far! Fans of CF and of Calan know that any new CF stud should be so lucky as to get paired up with Calan. Without fail, a session featuring Calan is going to be a hot one and a fresh new arrival to CF is going to have themselves one heck of a time with him. That's as true as ever year, and the noises coming out of Grayson while he bounces up and down on Calan's cock are testament to that. Grayson's having himself a blast, and Calan's dick is hitting all the right spots for him. And hey, while we all thought Grayson had himself a hot ass before, it's looking even hotter completely drenched in Calan's massive load! Featuring Calan (aka James Cassidy), Grayson.
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