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Isaac goes Deep Corbin Fisher

Isaac goes Deep Corbin Fisher

Getting to know Isaac in his introductory solo and seeing that big dick of his left one question that needed answering -- who was he gonna fuck?! We know we had to see Isaac put that dick to work, and see another one of the guys take it for a spin, so all we had to do was figure out who that lucky bottom was going to be! Thankfully for all of us, Micah was around and more than happy to go a round with Isaac and his cock. Not only would Micah be able to handle It, but Micah would love it! Sure enough, Micah looks like he's enjoying every single bit of being on his knees and trying to swallow as much of Isaac's cock as possible, before assuming the position so Isaac can fill his hole up with it. Whether he's sucking it, bouncing up and down on it, or on his back with his legs in the air while it pumps in and out of his hole, Micah's precisely where he wants to be as Isaac's big dick fucks a big load out of Micah, then paints Micah's face in another! Featuring Isaac, Micah (aka Canyon Cole).
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