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Owning Eli Corbin Fisher

Owning Eli Corbin Fisher

When we unleashed Eli and Grayson upon one another for this after hours episode, I feel like we were letting them loose to do what they'd each been champing at the bit to do for some time. I say that because these two are just all over one another from the very start! There's no gradual ramping up of energy here -- they swallow each other's cocks like they'd been starving for them; Grayson dives in to eat Eli's ass like he'd been obsessing over it for weeks; when they kiss, it's intense and energetic and passionate. You'll see what I mean as you hit play on this outrageously hot episode -- these two wanted one another, and wanted to fuck! And you'll see them fuck after you've hit play on this outrageously hot episode, without a doubt! You'll see Grayson drill Eli hard and deep and with that big dick of his, and hear every pump and thrust of it drive Eli wild. And finally, you'll see -- after all of the intense oral, kissing, fucking, and rimming -- Eli get drenched in cum! Full title: Owning Eli After Hours. Featuring Eli, Grayson.
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