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Czech Hunter 773

Czech Hunter 773

Max was a very interesting young man. I met him during an apartment tour. He came to the Czech Republic a few years ago and adjusted pretty well. Now he was looking for a new job and apartment. Well, I was able to help him with both. The flat was easy, the guy loved it. Only problem was the deposit. Dude had savings but nowhere near the amount he needed. That was the perfect moment to offer him my help. He had a wife and doing anything gay made him very uncomfortable. Still, she wasn't there? and the guy was kinda horny. I just had to touch his shaved cock and he got an enormous boner. When I threw a few more Crowns his way, he wrapped his beautiful lips around my cock and sucked like a proper whore. He wouldn't stop babbling about his wife, so I just shoved my cock in his ass to shut him up. Featuring Denny Chris (aka Denny Cock), Max. Original release date: January 3rd, 2025.
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