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Dick Down Corbin Fisher

Dick Down Corbin Fisher

Roman is rock-hard and rearin' to go as this one starts up! Can you blame him, though, when he's getting free reign to do whatever he wants to Dylan's hole? Roman's made no secret of the fact that he thinks Dylan is adorable and sexy and jumps at every opportunity to get paired with him, and we don't blame Roman for that one bit. Dylan also has an absolutely blast when paired up with Roman - he knows there's going to be passion, intensity, playfulness, and knows Roman knows how to work over a hole with that big dick of his. Dylan gets it good and deep here, to the point we hear him making noises I'm not sure we've ever heard him make before! Roman's pushing his buttons, and Roman's cock is hitting all the right spots as Dylan's bent over getting it doggy-style as he blasts out a massive load, before Roman coats his hole in another big load! Full title: Dicking Down Dylan. Featuring Dylan, Roman (aka Damian Night).
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