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Using Chris Corbin Fisher

Using Chris Corbin Fisher

Sometimes you just want to see Chris get used! Thankfully, Chris is most always in the mood to get used. Indeed, there's a point where he's face down in this one with Calan pumping his hole fast and rough that Chris is gasping and moaning, "Use me! Use me!". He's loving it, and simply can't get enough of it. Granted, who wouldn't want to have Calan go to town on you for awhile? Calan's a stud, and has the stamina and dick to really work over an eager bottom like Chris proper. Calan also has a dominant streak in him that Chris is ideally suited to satiate - he knows he can pull his cock out of Chris' hole and feed it to him, and Chris will eagerly swallow that dick. He knows he can order Chris around, pin him down, not let him touch his own cock, call him a "good boy" and tell him to beg, and Chris will happily oblige. Chris doesn't just oblige but obviously gets off to it more and more the rougher and raunchier Calan gets and the more Calan bosses him around. It all makes for one of the most blazing hot after hours episodes we've ever filmed, and one you're going to love! Full title: Dallen Uses Chris After Hours. Featuring Calan, Chris.
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