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Shake Down Bel Ami Online

Shake Down Bel Ami Online

Jamie Durrell is a very practical guy. When he finds out that Bastian Dufy and Enrique Vera are desperate to get home (and that he is their last chance of getting there) he gives them the shake down to make sure that he gets something out of the deal as well. Neither Bastian nor Enrique are opposed to being hit up for a bribe and are more than happy to deliver as soon as they get home. It is lucky Bastian who gets to pay most of the bribe price, proffering up his ass for Jamie to pound out the fee. Of course Enrique is not be be left out and takes full advantage of Bastian's vacant mouth to help himself to a great blowjob as well. Featuring Jamie Durrell, Enrique Vera, Bastian Dufy.
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