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Bountiful Butt Bel Ami Online

Bountiful Butt Bel Ami Online

It seems that we are having a week of beefy guys here at Following on from Thursday's update with Bobby Kanne, today we have the return of Yannis Paluan and Kyle Brady... this time with Kyle on top, banging Yannis's bountiful buttocks. Fresh from round one, the guys decide that a nice hot bath would be great, but the sight of Yannis bending over to stoke the fire is just too much for Kyle and he tempts Yannis back to the bed for round 2. If ever there was a butt built for fucking, it has to be the one attached to Yannis. Not only does it tempt all the guys on the set, but it also gives Yannis an immense amount of pleasure, as evidenced by the volume of cum that Kyle is able to fuck out of him today. Featuring Kyle Brady, Yannis Paluan. From the web series: Kyle Brady and Yannis Paluan.
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