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Railing Beckett Corbin Fisher

Railing Beckett Corbin Fisher

Listen - every single second of this episode is hot as heck. But if you want to quickly jump to a portion that stands out as even more profoundly hot amidst action that's already hot from start to finish you'll want to jump ahead to the 17:32 minute mark as Rocky gets Beckett bent over the back of the couch and absolutely goes to town on him. Rocky could tell fairly early on that Beckett was going to be able to handle everything Rocky could throw at him, and when Rocky knows he has that kind of bottom under him he makes it a point to take every advantage of it. We've seen Rocky do it before as he's drilled and filled and pumped and pounded many a CF stud - once he sees you can handle getting fucked, he's gonna make sure you get fucked. Beckett's staccato gasps and moans, forced out of him by every one of Rocky's firm and steady thrusts, make for an episode that's as hot to listen to as it is to watch; he gives his hole up to Rocky, and Rocky makes it his own! Don't just watch this scorching hot episode from that 17 and a half minute mark, though - you deserve to treat yourself to every second of Rocky and Beckett going at it! Featuring Beckett, Rocky.
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