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Ram Ricky Broke Straight Boys

Ram Ricky Broke Straight Boys

The scene begins with Andy Adler and Ricky Bobby kissing passionately while wearing only underwear. Ricky is wearing black skull boxer shorts, meanwhile Andy has on tight white briefs. Andy fondles Ricky's hard cock through the fabric. He then kisses down the length of his torso and licks the rigid shaft through the cotton confines. Suddenly Ricky unleashes his hot hardened dick and Andy inserts it inside his mouth. Andy sucks on Ricky's balls and then continues to give him a blow job. Ricky pushes the twink boy's head down onto his erect meaty rod. Andy gasps for air and gags on the thick dick. Saliva pours out of Andy's wet mouth and saturates Ricky's veiny cock. Two boys continue their intimate encounter with Ricky planting soft kisses all over Andy's slender body. Starting from his neck, Ricky works his way down to Andy's toned abs, teasingly licking each muscle along the way. Without wasting any time, Ricky then moves down lower to take Andy's big dick into his mouth. With each stroke of his tongue against Andy's thick shaft, Ricky feels himself becoming increasingly aroused. He knows that tonight is going to be one wild ride. Meanwhile, Andy is enjoying every moment of their steamy encounter. He can feel Ricky's warm lips wrapped around his dick, and it sends shivers down his spine. As Ricky continues to suck on Andy's hard cock, Andy can feel his balls tightening up in anticipation. Full title: Andy Rams Ricky for Raunchy Sex Rematch. Featuring Andy Adler, Ricky Bobby.
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