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Every Chance Cocky Boys

Every Chance Cocky Boys

Alan Apollo and Jordan Starr really like each other because they get together almost every chance they get and this time it's at Cocky Boys! Their mutual affection and chemistry is evident as they make out and effortlessly go into sex with Alan, as usual, joyfully sucking cock and Jordan making him even happier eating out his big bubble butt -- and sliding in his cock! Right away Alan backs up on that cock and fucks himself before Jordan even starts! Knowing how lively Alan is, Jordan then lets him ride him with total abandon and passionate kisses. Ultimately though, Jordan takes charge as he sucks and drills Alan on his back, fucks the cum out of him, and pounds him from behind until he shoots and breeds him! Total joy again and you know this won't be their last time. Featuring Alan Apollo, Jordan Starr. Original release date: January 16th, 2025.
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